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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Playing with the grade1s!!!

Carson and I were playing with the grade1 lee. They seemed to like math ninja instead of monkey math we had 11 grade 1's play with us we asked them what game they liked the most the ninja math was the most played. Hope we can play with the grade 1's again.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Show Me

This app is a great tool for assessing.  Here is an example for assessing 3digit by 1 digit division.  Here is the link to view the video http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=PSUJUyu

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


We have been working in groups to produce Toontastic stories. We started by browsing through the settings and characters. Next we got together with our groups and wrote overviews of our stories, describing the settings, characters and conflicts. Now we are taking turns with the iPad to produce our stories. When they are finished we will revise with the class for feedback before we publish the final copies. We are still exploring how we can publish to Toontube.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Sock Puppets by Josh and Ethan

We really really like this app. It is good for a short 30 second lesson. We really liked that you can make the puppets voices squeaky and low sounding. You can change the backgrounds. The puppets imitate your voice. We think kindergarten to grade 5's would really like this. We had one problem that we couldn't share it on utube although you are supposed to be able to. It would be better if we could publish these.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Sparkle fish

Today we tried a new app called sparklefish.it is kind of like a mad lib. We figured out you have to speak loud and clear if you want to hear your voice.the class thought that sparkle fish was neat.by Brooklynn.

Monday, 13 February 2012


Today we made a song for French and then uploaded it to our wiki. We had to save it as a windows media file and then upload the file. It worked on our net book so Briah will check at home tonight if she can hear it. Sometimes we have to think creatively on how to publish our work.
I like this new game called Camelot. You have to build cottages and other buildings. Vishwaka

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Story robe and iMovie

Today Mrs.Fisher came to help us with Story Robe on the iPad. We had to right down the steps as we went along. We created a comic movie about how to do long division. Every one drew a scene that told the steps and recorded it on the iPad. When we were done recording we listened to it and gave feedback. We can't put music with the story on Story Robe so we tried it on iMovie and we can put music on iMovie so we chose music for it and listened to it with the music. Later on we uploaded it to YouTube and you can search for it. The video is called math mania.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Bingorama by Jordan

Math bingo is a great app for the class. You go get the numbers in a row to make a bingo. Then you get a mode and the symbols like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When you win you can play bingo bug bungee. It is fun but it's easy.
Coop Fractions is hard and probably for grades 6 or 7.